Oh my gosh.
I feel like such a virtual slacker. I haven't posted anything on this blog of mine for weeks. Well, at least a week.
So, I had my transfer on November 15th. We got a call that morning saying the fresh embryos didn't make it to day 5, so we transferred two frozen embies. The actual transfer process went smoothly, then I was on modified bedrest for 24 hours. After those 24 hours, I kept my feet up and did my best to take it easy. Thankfully, the transfer was on a Thursday, so I had the whole weekend to chill. It was quite nice.
After the transfer, I went into a phase of the IVF process called the [dreaded] 2 week wait, or 2WW as the experienced call it. Thankfully, for me, it wasn't a full 2 weeks. Since one of the embryos was 5 days and the other 6 days old at the transfer, I had a bit of a head start. This is the waiting period before I was allowed to take a pregnancy test. My first blood pregancy test or "Beta" is scheduled for this Friday, November 23rd. That will get a baseline of the hCG in my system. The 2nd Beta will be on Monday the 26th. If the hCG level at least doubles between those tests, then I am officially pregnant.
But, wait.
They do say it's ok, for us impatient types to take a home preggo test, or to POAS (pee on a stick), as they say, before the Betas. IM and I are both too anxious, so I POAS this morning and got a...
That's another fun pregnant person acronym that means Big Fat Positive.
So, I'm pregnant. It will be confirmed with the Betas and I'll have my first ultrasound next week to see how many of the little boogers stuck.
I'm so thankful to God for His hand in this entire journey, thankful to you friends for all your prayers and support, and thankful to my hubs for his support, shot giving, and putting up with my hormones. This is just the beginning. We have many more milestones left before we introduce the beautiful babe(s).
Just for fun, here is the picture of the embryos after the transfer. The arrows are pointing to the little blob. Have a great day!
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